About Us
Sussex Sport Photography is a leading UK Sport Photography Agency and commercial image library
Started in 2003 when digital cameras first became good enough, and the internet became fast enough SSP has grown steadily and carefully over the years into the limited company UK Sport Photo Ltd. We have stuck to Sussex Sport Photography as our brand name and kept our well known logo, and now cover events from the Midlands to the South Coast, the South West, and East Anglia.
Our Professional Photographers cover hundreds of races each year, back in the office we catalogue the millions of images with runner numbers (Manually – because automatic just doesn’t cut it), edit out the wrong’uns and out of focus images so everything is good, and put them online for competitors to find and purchase their race memories quickly and easily.
Some races even have free race photos for you to download – and these are free for personal use, sharing online, facebook, twitter etc
We do all this work because we believe that race and event photos make people happy, and that’s what we want to achieve to the best of our abilities.
Marathons, Half Marathons, Obstacle races, XC Challenges, Adventure races, 10km, on-road and off-road races, Trail Races, Triathlons, Sportives, Mountain Bike Endurance Rides and many more are the typical types of events we cover. The common factor amongst them all is that we can see the competitors identifying number – that way we can catalogue the gallery and they can find their photos quickly. Without numbers it’s impossible to find your images amongst the tens of thousands that we take at events – so we don’t even try if there are no numbers ! Remember to make sure your number is clearly visible to the front if you are at an event.
Race Directors
We work closely with Event Organisers, Race Directors, Sponsors and Marketing organisations to cover events, supply PR images, supply complete galleries for competitors for free download, branding, write and send post-race emails to competitors, and other activities related to Race Promotion, Growth, Marketing, and Commercialisation of events for the benefit of Runners.
Get in touch if you have a race or event that you would like us to work with you on.
If you are a potential race Sponsor and want to bring something extra to an event, considering social media, or looking to reach an intelligent active and vibrant demographic, then please get in touch.
If you’re a publisher of a magazine, newspaper, sponsored blog, or generally any kind of commercial image user, then please get in touch for our standard rates.
We regularly provide images to market-leading brandnames in the running and triathlon world, as well as a few more fashionable publications.
Whilst we do get regular requests for “credit only” usage, unfortunately we don’t yet have a product that can be created at this payment point.